Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Toontown Rewritten Wiki

Operation: Storm Sellbot HQ has officially begun!

Continue below for everything you need to know!

Dates & Times

When will it be held?
The Storm will begin July 31, 2015 and end August 30, 2015. No official time has been released, but it can be assumed it will begin and end at 2:00 PM Toontown Time.
UPDATE: Confirmed by a staff member, the Storm will begin around update time (usually 2PM Toontown Time).
UPDATE 2: Due to the Movers & Shakers Mega-Invasion setting us back, Goofenshmirtz announced that the Storm will end on August 21th.
UPDATE 3: With thousands of Cogs defeated and millions of pies thrown, Flippy announced that the Storm will be extended to last until August 30th for Lord Lowden Clear and the Resistance Rangers to offer brand new missions. Even Flippy has a "mission" for the Toons himself!
Will the game go down for an update on July 31st?
The game will more than likely go down for an update, considering lots of new content will be added.
UPDATE: The game did not have to close down for an update on July 31st to implement Phase One of the event. When the next three phases arrive, the game WILL go down for an update.

Rental Suits
Stormsellbot rentalsuits

Who can use rental suits?
Toons without their full Sellbot Cog Disguise and Toons without the required merits to receive a promotion. If you have the necessary merits, or are a level 50 Mr. Hollywood, you may not wear a rental suit.
Do I have to invite Toons with rental suits into my boarding groups?
No, but it is recommended as there will be certain ToonTasks to help Toons with rental suits defeat the Vice President.

Toon Resistance ToonTasks
Stormsellbot newtasks

Where can I get Toon Resistance ToonTasks?
Toon Resistance ToonTasks can only be found at the Toon Resistance Outpost inside Sellbot Headquarters. The outpost is a location secured by the Toon Resistance that will most likely be run by Good Ol' Gil Giggles, Mata Hairy, or Lord Lowden Clear.
How hard will Toon Resistance ToonTasks be?
Currently, it is unknown how difficult these tasks will be, but they will definitely be possible. Certain tasks may be too hard for weaker Toons, and may need the aid of stronger Toons.
What can I expect the goals of these tasks to be?
These tasks should range from defeating the Vice President, defeating Cogs or Skelecogsin the Vice President battle and the Sellbot Factory, or maybe even simply defeating the Sellbot Factory. All of these tasks will probably require you to complete them somewhere in Sellbot Headquarters.
What happens if I don't complete these tasks before August 30th?
On August 30, 2015, all Toon Resistance ToonTasks will expire. Whether you have completed them or not, they will disappear from your dock.

Toon Resistance ToonTask Rewards

What are the rewards for these ToonTasks?
There ware several rewards for completing the Toon Resistance ToonTasks. These will all be available to aid you inside the Vice President battles.
UPDATE: Some rewards will be more rare than others. Also, you may only carry one ToonTask from each category of reward. (1 Merit task, 1 Multiplier task, etc.)
Increased Multipliers
Gag experience is already double inside Cog Headquarters. Some ToonTasks will reward an even higher multiplier which will only last for a specified amount of time. These time limits might increase based on disguise level. Currently, it is unknown if the multiplier will merge with other multipliers.
Rather than wasting time doing countless Sellbot Factory runs, you can take ToonTasks that reward merits. The amounts of merits are unknown, but they will probably be enough to fill small-medium sized merit meters. The merit reward sizes may increase with your disguise, and will become unavailable upon reaching Mr. Hollywood level 50.
Cog Disguise Parts
For those who have not completed their Cog Disguises, they can take ToonTasks that will reward them a part, and bring them one step closer to receiving their Cold Caller level 1 disguise. These will become unavailable once you receive 10 disguise parts.
SOS Cards
For those who have reached Mr. Hollywood level 50, they can take ToonTasks that reward SOS Toons. When you return the task to the outpost, you will receive two random 5-star SOS cards. These ToonTasks will probably be rather hard, which is why only toons who have maxed Sellbot Headquarters can receive them. Currently, it has only been confirmed that Lord Lowden Clear will be a new SOS card.
Special Keepsakes
Certain tasks will reward special keepsakes, which are shirts, an accessory, and a SOS card from Lord Lowden Clear himself. In Disney's Toontown Online, Toons who helped the most rental Toons received the "Toon Resistance Outfit." Since Toontown Rewritten will probably take a similar approach, these tasks might require you to help Toons with rental suits. The "special keepsakes" have been confirmed, but the "Toon Resistance Outfit" could easily be a prize, as well as other items related to Storm Sellbot HQ.

Other Information

How difficult will the Vice President battle be?
The maximum Cog level will be level 8.

The Aftermath

What will happen after Operation: Storm Sellbot ends?
The after events are currently unknown, but it is expected that there could be a major event in the storyline, such as a message from the Cogs, or the reveal of the re-designed Sellbot Cog Dominiums. In Disney's Toontown Online, doodles escaped from the Daisy Gardens pet shop and ate the electrical wires at Sellbot Headquarters, causing the Cogs to have to run on backup generators, which weakened the Vice President. This could mean that doodles will come soon before, or soon after Operation: Storm Sellbot HQ.

Check back here as we continue updating this blog when more information is revealed!
