Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Toontown Rewritten Wiki

April Toons' Week is a period between the 1st and 9th of April where wacky and silly things happen. This is to celebrate the April Fools day holiday. The event happens annually and could feature anything from super low gravity, to random animal noises.

2014 Features

  • Gravity in estates was lowered dramatically, allowing toons to jump onto the roofs of houses.
  • Walking in streets would cause a grand piano to fall from the sky onto you periodically.
  • Upon speaking, the sound effect from a different toon species to yours would be played - this animal sound was the same for your whole play session.
  • From April 5th to April 9th, gravity was lowered dramatically everywhere in Toontown.
  • Every minute a random effect would be applied to your toon, this included:
    • Turning back to your regular toon
    • Turning into Roger Dog
    • Turning into a big toon
    • Turning into a small toon
    • Turning into a flat portrait/flat profile 
    • Becoming transparent
    • Becoming invisible
    • Having a big head
    • Having a small head
    • Having a small body
    • Tilting backwards slightly


  • File:Toontown Rewritten I think Slate is sick...

    Slate's wacky effects changing every few seconds.

    This year, a member of the TTR team played an extra prank on one of the other team members - Slate Blue Rabbit. Instead of the wacky effects changing every minute like all the other toons, Slate's effects changed every 3 seconds. 
  • This year, Sir Max changed Toonbook to Maxbook. The background image was changed, as well as the logo and everybody's profile picture was changed to some of Sir Max's selfies.
  • In Daily Alpha Update: A Way Too Wacky Week[1], Shockley states: "Now, all we can do is hope that this "April Toons Week" thing doesn't catch on. Oof, can you imagine having to experience this again next year?" hinting at the fact this is likely to be annual. In the patch notes, it also mentions: "Let's hope that it won't happen again next year!".

